Driving In Our Neighborhoods

Driving In Our Neighborhoods
It’s been a long day at work. The boss micro-managed everyone today, lunch was cut short to 30 minutes, you sat in bumper to bumper traffic for over one hour, you had to stop at the grocery store, you picked up the kids from daycare, you had to get gas, and now all you want to do is make it home. You just made a left turn into your neighborhood (your comfort zone) and all of a sudden a police car is behind you with his lights on and has signaled you to pull over.
What happened? This is your stomping ground; police officers are never at this corner in your neighborhood. In addition, you believe that you did not break any laws. Well, it turns out the officers say you didn’t use your turn signal to make the left, you didn’t make a complete stop at the stop sign, and your vehicle registration has expired.
We lack paying attention to traffic laws in our comfort zones and assume police officers aren’t waiting in the neighborhood. It’s common for seatbelts to come off two or three houses down from our driveways, but not wearing a seatbelt is still a violation and it could get you a ticket on your own street.
Did you know that most collisions occur within five miles of your household and at less than 40 mph; believe it or not our comfort zones may be one of the most dangerous places to drive. Below are a couple of examples that we should be aware of to avoid future injury and traffic violations.
- 500 kids under 15 years old are killed every year in their own neighborhood.
- The death rate in neighborhood streets is over twice that of highways.
- Speeding in neighborhoods triples the odds of collisions.
Comedy Driving Inc. is happy to help spread this information to reduce the number of accidents. Our website, comedydrivingtrafficschool.com, is dedicated to traffic safety and helping motorists get an education and to teach others to learn to stay safe while being on the road.
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