Driving While Being Drowsy

Driving While Being Drowsy
It’s been a very long day at work; 8 hours plus 2 hours overtime and now it is time to go home but before you go home you have to stop at the store and pick up groceries, gas, and traffic is bumper to bumper. While sitting in traffic for more than 20 minutes your eyes start to become heavy and all of a sudden everything starts getting dark but you feel so relaxed at this time. You just fell asleep and the cars behind you are blasting their horns yelling out their windows telling you to wake up and go! You wake up startled thinking, “how long did I sleep?” Driving while being drowsy can be just as dangerous as drinking and driving, texting and driving, or eating and driving. Sleepiness causes motorists to react slowly while at the same time impairing judgment which could result in running off the road or veering into oncoming traffic. Falling asleep behind the wheel while the vehicle is in motion is more dangerous than falling asleep while at a complete stop. Your vehicle could go anywhere and when you finally wake up it might be too late to correct the mistake. Comedy Driving, Inc. is proud to help spread the news and raise awareness about this epidemic we call drowsy driving. Some people need ten minutes of rest and they are fine to drive but others may need a whole eight hours. Comedy Driving’s suggestion to everyone is to get some sleep at home! The National Sleep Foundation reports that it is very difficult to determine if sleepiness was the cause of an accident but clues like the lack of skid marks or other evasive maneuvers are absent evidence that indicates the driver was probably asleep. The National Sleep Foundation also reports that 60% of drivers in the US have driven while feeling tired and 37% have actually admitted to falling asleep while in motion on the roadway. The following are signs that say you may be too tired to drive.
- Heavy eyelids, hard time focusing
- Constantly yawning, rubbing your eyes, feeling restless
- Drifting into the next lane or rolling over rumble strips
The next time you feel sleepy Comedy Driving Traffic School suggests you pull over off the road and find a rest area to get some sleep. When you take yourself off the road you save your own life and plenty of others that could have been fatally wounded.
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